Amir Fakhravar التطبيقات

NIC 1.2.2
Amir Fakhravar
The people of Iran have campaigned in quest of freedom anddemocracyfor over a century. Such has been a battle to cut shortthe hands ofCelestial and terrestrial ideologies from the people’slives,affording them proprietorship of their own destiny. In anera whencivilized citizens of the globe hand in hand with theirwise andelected governments strive for welfare, happiness, peaceandsecurity, we the people of Iran seek the opportunity torestitutelove, hope, and sanctity of life to our homeland, a landwhich hasfor millennia served as the cradle of human civilization.Derivingguidance from the ancient Persian principles ofRighteousness ofthought, of utterance, and of deed, our belief ispredicated uponthe Creative Essence of Freedom for all Mankind,hence theinalienable right of every Iranian to live Free ofoppression anddiscrimination with justice and equality instructuring the path ofour country. In this spirit a mass endeavoris underway in whichIranian patriots, living in Iran or abroad,have equal determinationrights and are in pursuit of three sharedgoals, any successobtained in the course of which will bepreserved to the lastbreath.
Rafigh A 1.0.2
Amir Fakhravar
Comrade Ayatollah
نیک نیوز 1.0
Amir Fakhravar
Official News Agency of the National Iranian Congress